Monday, February 7, 2011

This Week's Spelling, Vocabulary, & IRA

Spelling, Vocabulary, & IRA Wk. 20 Unit 4, Week 2: Animal Defenses Carlos and the Skunk

Spelling: More Accented Syllables

*Monday: Write spelling words correctly in your agenda in ABC order (due Tues.).

*Tuesday (due Wed.): Categorize your words into two groups: first syllable is stressed and second syllable is stressed. HINT: There are only 5 words in the second group.

*Study spelling words (Mon.-Thurs.) for Friday’s test.

*Spelling worksheet is due Thursday.

1. grownup

2. power

3. shower

4. bestow

5. August

6. allow

7. encounter

8. grouchy

9. rowdy

10. laundry

11. flawless

12. coward

13. lawyer

14. applause

15. doubting

16. arousing

17. faucet

18. trousers

19. caution

20. boundary

Vocabulary: *Use the glossary or a dictionary to find and write each part of speech. Read the definition and compare to the definition given here.

*Rewrite your vocabulary words, definitions, and part of speech on your own paper, underlining all the NOUNS, whether they are a vocabulary word or a word in the definition (due Wed.).

*Study vocabulary words and definitions Mon.-Thurs. for Friday’s test.

*Vocabulary worksheet is due Thursday.

1. arousing: (__________) stimulating to action, awakening

2. behavior: (__________) the way a person or animal acts

3. glimpse: (__________) a brief look

4. stunned: (__________) overcome with astonishment or disbelief

5. nestled: (__________) settled snugly or comfortably

6. unpleasant: (__________) not agreeable, displeasing

7. secluded: (__________) screened or hidden from view

8. arroyo: (__________) water-carved gully or channel

IRA: This week’s Independent Reading Activity is to copy five sentences from your independent reading book. Underline each pronoun and draw an arrow to its antecedent (due Friday). You need to find at least five different pronouns and you must have at least five sentences.

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