Monday, February 7, 2011

CPA Time Line

Each student has received a copy of this time line, but here it is in electronic format.

4-H CPA TIMELINE Dyer/Martin 2011

Your job is to become the expert on your topic. You will be writing a report and then giving a speech to teach the class what you’ve learned. This project will count as a test grade in English and either science or social studies (depending on your topic).

2/3 Topic due! You must get your topic approved before you begin.

1/31 – 2/8 Begin research and learn all that you can about your topic. Find some interesting facts that very few people already know. Taking notes about what you learn will be very helpful. Remember to take notes in your OWN words. Do not copy directly from books and/or the Internet. Organize your information as you go. What are the three (or more) main ideas you will teach us? What would you include in the beginning of your report/speech, in the middle, or at the end? Remember to use at least three different sources for your information (encyclopedias, books, internet sites, interviews with experts, etc.).

2/8 Turn in a copy of your outline of the three main ideas you will teach us with at least three supporting details for each main idea. Continue to work on your research and your report.

2/15 Your written introduction is due. (The body of your speech is not due at this time.)


1. Hook your audience!

*Ask a question, state an interesting or amazing fact, or share an anecdote (personal short story).

2. Introduce yourself and your topic.

3. Share your three main ideas or most important things.

2/22 Your entire written rough draft is due. Rewrite your introduction with the revisions. Use your outline to write the body of your report. You will write more than one paragraph about each of your three main points because your report will be the basis of your five-minute speech. Make sure you have transitions between each of your three main points. Include at least one simile in the writing. Then wrap it up with your conclusion.


1. Use a wrap-up word or phrase (Finally, In conclusion, To summarize, Remember…).

2. Restate your main ideas from your introduction in a slightly different way.

3. Tie your report back into your hook.

4. Thank your audience. (Do NOT say that’s all I have, or the end…)

2/22 – 3/3 Work on your two (or more) posters. Write your speech on numbered note cards. Be certain they are neat. Also, they need to be legible from the back of the room. Stay away from light colors because they are harder to read from a distance. Make your note cards and practice your speech. Practice referring to your posters during your speech. Do not wait to share them at the end.

3/4 In-class presentations (Be sure to bring your completed posters!)

You will receive a score for the mock presentation using the rubric Mr. Jennings provided. Please review it to make sure you know what is expected.

3/5 – 7 Make any corrections to your cards, practice at home, feel confident, and be ready for the judges!!! You’ll feel more confident if you practice at home. Good luck.

3/8 CPA presentations for 4-H judges

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