Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Study for Unit 1 lang. arts test (Thurs.).
Finish vocab. sentences.
Try to have a completed rough draft of the RAFT social studies writing. See handout please for more info!

Study for 0-12 speed test (Thurs.).
AM (practice or exercise)

*Yearbook cover contest entries are due by the end of the week.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Finish WOW.
Finish 3x each (following the format below as explained in class Mon.):
are not

Finish cereal box project! Don't forget a fun commercial "speech."

We started on a RAFT (Role, Audience, Format, Topic) social studies writing assignment. Please read over the directions and begin writing. The final draft will count as a test grade in both English and social studies. Bring your finished rough draft to class on Thursday. (We will try to provide class time to write on Wed. also.)

Finish S.S. (social studies) WB (workbook) p. 27 if not finished in class. Students generally need their textbooks to complete these workbook pages.

Please sign and return communication folders. We only have until 10/8 to meet our AR/AM goals to participate in the rewards on Friday 10/9!

We are now on! Just click on the name and go check us out. I'd love to hear what you think. Is this a resource we should try to use weekly?


Sorry this didn't get posted yesterday! We use the blog as a convenience; please rely on your child's agenda! Since we have some students home sick, I am going ahead and posting yesterday's info.

Sp. in ABC order in agenda: Use some of Friday and NUMBER each one to include the "extra" words this week. The "extra" words are vegetable, beautiful, library, receive, get, reunion, girl, juicy, there, and many.

Genre cereal box projects are due Wed. Be sure to have quizzed on your AR fantasy book!

Unit 1 lang. arts test Thurs.

Ch. 2 math test Fri.

Next week is the last week to meet AR & AM goals. We have some fun rewards planned for Friday, Oct. 9, so be sure to get them completed.

Monday, September 28, 2009

This Week's Spelling & Vocabulary: 9/28-10/2

Spelling and Vocabulary Week #8

Write words in ABC order in your agenda – due Tuesday

Write words 3 x each – due Wednesday (write the contraction twice and the two words that form the contraction once)

Study nightly for your test on Friday.

On the lines below, you need to write the two words that are used to form the contraction.

You must know how to spell the contraction and the two words for your test on Friday!

  1. isn’t _________
  2. hasn’t _________
  3. couldn’t _________
  4. wouldn’t _________
  5. shouldn’t _________
  6. didn’t _________
  7. aren’t _________
  8. weren’t _________
  9. wasn’t _________
  10. I’d _________
  11. he’s _________
  12. let’s _________
  13. we’ve _________
  14. you’d _________
  15. you’re _________
  16. they’ve _________
  17. they’re _________
  18. can’t _________
  19. I’ve _________
  20. she’s _________


Write fabulous 5th grade sentences using the EVEN numbered vocabulary words – due Thursday. Underline the vocabulary word you used in each sentence. You must write one each of the four sentence types and a free choice – label each sentence type.

1. belligerent – (adj.) hostile; wanting to fight

2. luminous – (adj.) giving off light

3. elated – (adj.) filled with joy

4. deceive – (verb) to make someone believe something that is not true

5. remedy – (n.) a medicine or treatment for healing

6. affluent – (adj.) having a lot of money

7. hermit – (n.) a person who lives alone in a lonely or isolated place

8. dapper – (adj.) attractive in dress ; stylish

9. abscond – (verb) to run away secretly and hide

  1. curtail – (verb) to cut short; reduce

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Finish AR task (3 connections; see Mon.).
Write final copy of trip story.
Study sp. & voc. for tomorrow's test.

Unit 1 language arts test will be next week.

Study times tables! Speed test will be tomorrow. looks like a really fun website to practice and study spelling! You can even upload your own spelling list to practice. If you check it out, please leave us a comment to give us your review. Thanks!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hygiene Lesson

Today we had a great hygiene and health lesson presented by our student nurses. They covered proper brushing and flossing, how to prevent spreading germs, proper daily hygiene, and healthy eating habits.


Finish voc. sent.
Study sp. & voc.
Work on trip story.

Study for Ch. 1 science test. Be sure to know the 16 vocabulary words/definitions, the tools scientists use and how they use them, and the scientific method. Be sure to study the scientific method graphic organizer.

For Computer Lab (SS websites)

You must visit at least THREE of the four sites listed. (Yes, we have added one!)

A Day in the Life History Game

Your work is due today when you return from computer lab.

Here's the info again from last week:
In computer lab today, go to these websites to explore and learn. You will be using the information you learn in social studies and in a future writing project. (You should be able to click on the name and go directly to the website.)

After you visit each site, write a summary of what you did and learned there. Reflect on the questions below after visiting all three sites (and write a written response).

Melrose Mansion Plantation

National Geographic Underground Railroad

Pathways to Freedom

Reflection questions: After visiting these websites, how did you feel about slavery? How do you think the issue of slavery changed our society? What about the websites stick out in your mind? Why is it important for us to remember the hardships faced by slaves?

SS Extra Credit

Many of the students know that I (Mrs. Dyer) am working on my reading endorsement certification. As part of that class, I had to research webquests online. Here are some of the cool webquests I found. You may complete one of the quests for EXTRA CREDIT in social studies. Though many of them are set up for group work, you will have to work independently to complete the tasks. Check them out if you'd like to learn more about the Civil War, and you can earn extra credit in the process! Just click on the links below to learn more.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Finish sp. 3 or 5x each.
Finish WOW.
Work on AR Connections task (due Fri.). Work on five voc. sentences due Thurs.
Don't forget about your fantasy cereal box project due next Tues. 9/30!

Complete math p. 98 (1-21 ODD).

Study sci. ch. 1 (test Thurs.).

Happy birthday, John!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear John!
Happy birthday to you!

Have a very special day today!

Monday, September 21, 2009

This Week's Spelling & Vocabulary: 9/21-25

More words with prefixes

Write words in ABC order in your agenda – due Tuesday

Write words 3 x each – due Wednesday

Study nightly for your test on Friday.

1. disaster 11. insult

2. unknown 12. regard

3. discover 13. install

4. unable 14. dismiss

5. inform 15. relax

6. increase 16. unaware

7. report 17. disagree

8. dispute 18. unskilled

9. insist 19. revenge

10. remind 20. display

Vocabulary words

Choose 5 vocabulary words to write your fabulous 5th grade sentences with – due Thursday. (You need to write one each of the four sentence types and label each sentence with its type!) Underline the vocabulary word you used in each sentence.

1. disaster – an event that causes serious loss, destruction,


2. dispute – difference of opinion, quarrel, disagreement

3. display – put on show or view, exhibit

4. dismiss – release, allow to go, send away

5. disagree – oppose, conflict, differ, argue

6. inform – notify, tell, let someone know

7. insult – offend

8. unaware – unknowing, uninformed

9. revenge – to punish somebody in retaliation for harm, injury, or something done

10. install – to put machinery or equipment into place and make it ready to use

AR Task: Connections

Good readers make personal connections to the texts they read. The three general types of connections are:
1) text-to-self: a personal connection that you make to the book or passage
Example: The main character has a little sister and you have a little sister too.

2) text-to-text: a connection with this reading selection to something else you've read
Example: Edmund and Lucy, two of the main characters in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, are also main characters in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

3) text-to-world: a connection you make that is neither personal nor to another text
Example: I read the book Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and saw the movie with the same title.

This week, as you read your AR book, think about and respond to each of the three types of connections. Label your paper with each of the three types and then write your response. Be sure to include the page number that corresponds to your connections. Also, include your book title in your heading. This assignment is due no later than this Friday, 9/25.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy birthday, Bebe!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Bebe!
Happy birthday to you!

Make a wish and enjoy your special day!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Finish vocabulary sentences.
Work on AR story elements (due Fri.).
Study spelling.

Study 0-12 for speed test tomorrow!

We will have a science vocabulary test one day next week (to be announced prior). On Friday we will have a vocabulary check of the 16 terms (w/definitions).

Students are encouraged to go to the social studies websites (below) and work on this at home if they can.

Thurs. 7:30-8:30 AM Book Fair for Parents and their children

Pre-Civil War Websites

In computer lab today, go to these websites to explore and learn. You will be using the information you learn in social studies and in a future writing project. (You should be able to click on the name and go directly to the website.)

After you visit each site, write a summary of what you did and learned there. Reflect on the questions below after visiting all three sites (and write a written response).

Melrose Mansion Plantation

National Geographic Underground Railroad

Pathways to Freedom

Reflection questions: After visiting these websites, how did you feel about slavery? How do you think the issue of slavery changed our society? What about the websites stick out in your mind? Why is it important for us to remember the hardships faced by slaves?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Finish WOW.
Finish 3x ea.

Math p. 82 (1-17 ODD)
Study times tables!

Please sign and return communication folders and PROGRESS REPORT.

Book Fair visit tomorrow. Parent preview is 7:30-8:30 AM Thursday.

Voc. sentences are due Thurs.
AR story elements due Fri.

*Please be sure to bring signed permission slip and $6 for Friday's movie! Thanks.

Help Wanted

Are you artistic or creative? We would love some help with decorating our classroom door! We try to change it with the seasons or month. Even if you don't feel incredibly talented in this area, maybe you have some seasonal decorations you no longer use. Let us know if you can come in one afternoon soon to help with the fall decorations. Thank you!

Monday, September 14, 2009


Today may be a record for the number of posts in one day!

Write sp. words in agenda in ABC order.
Begin working on AR story elements due Fri.
Study sp. & vocab.

Study 0-12 times tables if you didn't make a 100 on last week's speed test.

This month's genre is fantasy.

Math & Science Extra Credit

When progress reports go home (tomorrow) we sometimes have parents and students asking about extra credit. Extra credit is generally available until the week before the end of the term. We do ask that students do their REGULAR work before they ask for EXTRA work. Before beginning extra credit, be sure to get approval from one of us so that your hard work is not in vain.

One project that we talked about today is called "Design an Airplane" on p. 30 of the science book. This project uses both science and math skills, so this one project could earn extra credit in both science and math. Check it out!

This Week's Spelling & Vocabulary 9/14-18

Week 6 Spelling and Vocabulary – More words with prefixes.

[Sorry that Blogger doesn't format these well; something is better than nothing we hope!]

Spelling List
Monday: Write spelling words in agenda in ABC – due Tuesday.
Write spelling words 3x each - due Wednesday.
Test Friday – study nightly

1. uncertain 11. prearrange
2. uncommon 12. impersonate
3. unconscious 13. imperfect
4. undecided 14. impatient
5. unexpected 15. prehistoric
6. unmistakable 16. premature
7. unnecessary 17. preregistration
8. untidy 18. pretreat
9. unwise 19. impolite
10. unworthy 20. predetermine

Vocabulary List
Study vocabulary words and definitions nightly for your test on Friday.
Write a fabulous 5th grade sentence with the odd numbered words below – due Thursday

1. uncertain – not sure
2. uncommon – rare; not the usual; remarkable
3. unconscious – not within thought; not awake
4. undecided – not yet at the point of making a decision
5. unexpected – not what someone thought would happen; not predicted
6. unmistakable – clear; cannot be understood the wrong way; not able to be confused or misunderstood
7. unnecessary – not required
8. untidy – messy; not neat; not organized
9. unwise – not smart
10. unworthy – not deserving; not having any value

AR Task Week 6: Story Elements

Though this is actually our 2nd week of "AR tasks," it is the 6th week of school. For this week's assignment (due Fri.), use your AR book to identify the main character(s), the setting, the conflict or problem the character is facing, and the point of view (1st or 3rd person and how you know). You may need to refer to your Literary Elements handout to help you with this task. Finally, what advice would you give the main character(s) to help solve the problem?

Please write each response in complete sentences. Remember, you have all week to work on this, but don't forget!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Treats Wanted!

We need small treats for our treat bucket! We usually include individually wrapped candy, stickers, novelty erasers, or other fun (small) treats. If you can send in something (anytime), we would greatly appreciate it.

We also have a treasure chest that is pretty full right now but can always use items. Gently used books and "Happy Meal" type toys have been very popular. You may have things at home that your child doesn't want but that someone else would love. Thanks for your donations!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

This Week's Spelling & Vocabulary 9/8-11

Spelling – Words with the prefix “pre” (1-10) and frequently misspelled words (11-20).

Tuesday – write spelling words in your agenda in ABC order – due Wednesday

Write your spelling words 3x each (twice in print, once in cursive) – due Thursday.

1. preapprove 11. too

2. precaution 12. to

3. preview 13. two

4. prevent 14. their

5. precede 15. there

6. prefix 16. they’re (they are)

7. prejudge 17. plain

8. prepay 18. plane

9. pretest 19. its

10. predict 20. it’s (it is)

Vocabulary List

Write a fabulous 5th grade sentence with the even numbered vocabulary words

due Friday.

Study your vocabulary words and definitions nightly – Tuesday – Thursday!

1. preapprove – to authorize or give permission in advance

2. precaution – a measure taken in advance to prevent harm

3. preview – to look at or see something before something or someone else

4. prevent – to stop something from happening before it occurs

5. precede – to come before something else in time, order, or rank

6. prefix – a syllable or word that comes before a root word to change its meaning

7. prejudge – to make a decision before you have all the facts

8. prepay – to pay for something before it needs to be paid in full

9. pretest – a test before the real test, usually given to see what is already known

10. predict – to say what will happen before it occurs.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Today was our 1st 4-H class meeting.

Finish sp. 3x each.
Continue to work on vocab. sentences (even #s)- due Fri.- and the four types of sentences found in AR book (also due Fri.).
Study sp. & vocab!

Study for 0-12 speed test.
The students who did not do their AM homework last night get to do more AM homework tonight.

Sign and return orange folder if you haven't already. Thank you to everyone who sent in permission slips (and $6) for the movie on 9/18.

Wear red, white, & blue on Friday.

*This month's genre is fantasy.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


We hope everyone had a safe and happy long weekend! Being off yesterday has skewed our weekly schedule a bit, so please check agendas carefully.

Write sp. in agenda in ABC order.
Finish WOW.

Work on finding examples of the 4 sentence types in your AR book (due Fri.)

Finish an AM practice. (A few students finished theirs in class and do not have homework.)

Brainstorm social studies rights or responsibilities poster design.

Read AR book!

Please sign and return the communication folder. Take note of the permission slip. Please send in $6 for the movie, drink, and popcorn by the 18th. Students cannot go to the movie without the signed school permission slip. Thanks!

This Month's Genre

This month's reading genre is FANTASY. Read and quiz on a fantasy book (in your AR range of course) before the end of the month. We will be making a fun project with the fantasy book, so save a cereal box to decorate. (More details to come later in the month.)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy birthday, Fletcher!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Fletcher!
Happy birthday to you!

Enjoy your long birthday weekend!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Fun World's "A's for Academics" Program

Fun World has a program called "A's for Academics". For each A on their report card, students will receive $2 in bonus bucks and for each B they will receive $1 in bonus bucks.

They MUST bring a copy of their report card with the teacher's signature on it to redeem their bonus bucks. The "Bucks" will be put on a card for them to use while visiting Fun World.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Finish vocab. sentences.
Study for sp. & vocab. tests (Fri.)

Study 0-10 times tables for tomorrow's speed test.

Be sure to read!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


This month's genre is FANTASY! Read and quiz on an AR fantasy book by 9/30/09. Save a cereal box for the project (also due 9/30; directions to come later this month).

Finish sp. 5x each.
Finish WOW.

**Study for math Ch. 1 TEST!
Study 0-10 times tables.

Answer the question "What is the Constitution?"

Sign & return orange communication folder. (Sorry, car riders, you will have to take yours home Wed.) Be sure to keep and read the class newsletter. All orange folders need to be returned by Thursday.

Don't forget to sign agendas Mon.-Fri. Thanks!