Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This Month's Genre Project

Each month, our class studies a different reading genre. Students are required to read ONE book in the required genre during the month and complete the assigned project. This assignment counts as two reading test grades.

This month's genre is realistic fiction. Because we're getting a late start reading, this month's project is due no later than 9/3/10. Yesterday, each student checked out a realistic fiction library book. We encouraged each one to get a fairly short book that they were confident they could finish in less than two weeks for this month's project. Our project this month is a book report, and the forms were passed out to everyone yesterday.

We are unable to make extra copies of the form, but if you would like for us to email you an electronic copy we'd be happy to do so. Just send either of us an email requesting the form.

Remember, we recommend that each student read around 20 pages a day. This will help them stay on track and on task. Thanks for your help!

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