Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Spelling and Vocabulary Lists ~ August 24, 2010

Our spelling and vocabulary lists come from the book Miss Alaineus that we read in class on Monday.

Monday - Write your spelling words in ABC order in your agenda - due Tuesday.
Tuesday - Study your spelling words and write them 3x each (print, print, cursive - just like we have practiced in class) - due Wednesday.
Wednesday - Study your spelling words for your test on Friday.
Thursday: Study your spelling words for your test on Friday.

Spelling list - words with short vowels

1. batch
2. nick
3. rough
4. lead
5. dove
6. fling
7. shrug
8. gush
9. stuff
10. notch
11. jut
12. damp
13. tenth
14. scan
15. guess
16. cot
17. tough
18. stump
19. laugh
20. sense

*Use vocabulary words # 1 - 5 to write fabulous sentences - due Thursday! Write one of each of the 4 types of sentences, and the 5th sentence can be your choice. Label the type of sentence at the end of each sentence.
Monday - Study your vocabulary words and definitions and begin writing your fabulous sentences - due Thursday.
Tuesday - Study your voc. words and def. and work on your fabulous sentences - due Thursday.
Wednesday - Study your voc. words and def. and finish fabulous sentences - due Thursday.
Thursday - Study your voc. words and definitions for your test on Friday.

Vocabulary list

1. slumped
2. soggy
3. strands
4. capable
5. categories
6. gigantic
7. credit
8. luminous

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