Monday, November 3, 2008

This Week's Spelling & Vocabulary

1. entertainment
2. settlement
3. movement
4. statement
5. treatment
6. amusement
7. argument
8. announcement
9. equipment
10. government
11. wonderful
12. painful
13. peaceful
14. dreadful
15. grateful
16. graceful
17. beautiful
18. thoughtful
19. thankful
20. doubtful

1. ravenously – in an extremely hungry way
2. hooligan – a young ruffian; hoodlum
3. despicable – deserving of contempt or scorn
4. stiletto – a small dagger with a slender, tapering blade
5. beckoned – to signal or summon someone to come
6. procession – moving along in an orderly and formal manner
7. morsel – a small piece or bit of food
8. clustered – a group of something gathered together
9. abide - acceptable; bearable
10. glisten – to shine by reflection; reflect lustrously

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