Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Have a safe and happy Halloween! If you end up with leftover candy in the upcoming weeks, feel free to send it in for our treat bucket. Thanks!

Don't forget to read over the weekend.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

HW 10/30

Study for ch. 3 math test!
Accelerated Math (practice or exercise)

Finish final, neat copy of pumpkin narrative. Be sure to include dialogue and at least one simile.
Study spelling & vocabulary for tomorrow's test!

Don't forget about tomorrow's extra credit vocabulary parade! Dress up as your word. Be prepared to turn in your definition and anything you'd like to explain about your costume.

Book Character Day

We had some interesting visitors at school last week! From left to right, top to bottom: Daphne Grimm from "The Sisters Grimm," Roderick from "Diary of a Wimpy Boy," Olivia from "Midnight for Charlie Bone," the Wicked Witch of the West and a flying monkey from "The Wizard of Oz," the Dad from "Miss Small Is Off the Wall," and Batman;
Shiloh, Woody, and Kakshi from "Naruto."

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

HW 10/29

Ordered Pairs math WS
*Ch. 3 math test FRI.

Finish vocab sentences.
Finish pumpkin story rough draft.
*Say "Nightie-Night" to Drugs on Thursday. Wear your PJs to school!

Website to Try: Science Textbook Site

Our science textbook publisher offers an interactive website at! We are now moving into chapter 3, found in Unit B. Let us know what you and your child think of this site.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

HW 10/28

Math Ch. 3 review p. 188-189 (1-26) if not already finished in class

Finish WOW
Finish sp 3x each
Halloween similes WS

Since this week is Red Ribbon Week, students are encourage to wear red tomorrow.

Extra Credit: Take Your Child to Vote!

Your child can earn extra credit in social studies if s/he goes with you (or another adult) to vote! To receive credit, your child must write a paragraph about his/her experience, including where you went to vote and describing the process. This paragraph is due no later than 11/5/08.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Reading Extra Credit

Students may choose a word (any word that is appropriate for school and appropriate for fifth grade- not "boat" or something that simple) and dress up as that word on Friday. They must have the word approved no later than Thursday. (I read aloud a book today called Miss Alaineus that had students participating in a vocabulary parade so they should know what to do.)

HW 10/27

Finish AMP.

Spelling in agenda in alphabetical order
Vocab sentences due Thurs.
Mystery genre report was passed out. It's due no later than Friday. Be sure to quiz on it by Friday!
*Extra credit: Vocabulary Parade Fri. (Word must be approved by Thursday.)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy birthday to Keegan!

We hope Keegan enjoys his special day today!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

HW 10/23

AME (or AMP if you do not have an AME)

Study for SS Ch. 6 test Fri.!

Work on pumpkin project due Mon. (Turn the sheet of orange construction paper into a pumpkin with loads of personality!)

Don't forget that Fri. is Book Character Dress Up Day! Come as your favorite book character and bring the book for extra credit in reading!

Go eat at Papa's Pizza tonight if you can.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"Dough" Raiser Thursday!

This Thursday will be our second Papa's Pizza "dough raiser." Just bring your ticket to Papa's Pizza on Thursday, and 10% of your order will be donate to our school! Plus, the class with the most tickets turned in will receive a pizza party. YUM! Thanks for your help as you enjoy a night out.

HW 10/22

"Prime Pumpkin" math WS

Study for SS Ch. 6 test (Test will be Friday!)

Finish voc. sent.
Study for language arts unit 1 test- moved to Thurs.
Study for sp. test Fri.

Happy birthday to Joshua!

Happy birthday today to Joshua! We hope it's a great one.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

HW 10/21

Finish AMP or AME if you didn't scan yours today.

Finish SS WB p. 34 if you haven't already turned it in.

Finish spelling 3x each.
Finish WOW.
Study language arts unit 1 for tomorrow's test!
Read AR book.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Picture Retakes

Picture retakes will be Wed., 10/22, for anyone who was absent or who requests them.

Welcome back!

Hope you had a great fall break! Today marks the beginning of the 2nd nine weeks and a fresh start for each student. Everyone is back to a 100 in conduct. AR & AM goals also start over, though some may be "tweaked" a bit as needed.

Tonight's homework is to write spelling words in ABC order in the agenda. Also, a few students needed to finish the language arts unit 1 review. Their mystery genre (project coming soon) is due by the 31st. Please check your child's agenda for any other assignments.

This Thursday is Papa's Pizza "Dough Raiser" night. Present your "ticket" when you order, and 10% of the proceeds come back to our school! Also, the class with the most participants will get a pizza party. Mrs. Lewis & Ms. Holt's class enjoyed theirs today, so we're hoping we're next! Help us out if you can! Thanks in advance.

Friday is our Book Character Dress Up Day. Students may come in costume as long as they also have the book their character is from. They will give a brief talk about their book and their character to earn extra credit in reading.

Finally, Friday is a half day for parent/teacher conferences (students dimiss about 11:30; lunch will be served at school). If you did not receive a conference request notice and would like one, please let us know and we can schedule one. Report cards will go home Friday to be signed & returned ASAP.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Fall Break!

Have a safe and happy Fall Break! We have encouraged every student to finish an AR book over break, because when we come back it will be the start of the 2nd nine weeks. They can get a jump start on meeting their reading goals for the 2nd nine weeks by reading over this "bonus" week. See you on the 20th!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

HW 10/9

Finish SS WB p. 32 (if not finished in class).

Last chance to meet AR goal!

Write final, neat, correct copy of school persuasive letter.
Finish 10 Wonderful Words assignment.
Finish LA WB p. 14 & 16 (if not finished in class).
Study for review sp. & voc. tests!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

HW 10/8

Study for mult. speed test Th.
Prime & Composite WS (side 2 of yesterday's HW)

Study sci. voc. for Th. test

Work on 10 wonderful words due Fri.
Finish draft ("sloppy copy") of school persuasive letter

Congrats to our class!

We are so proud of each and every student in our class because EVERYONE has met their 9 weeks AM goal!!!! Way to go!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

HW 10/7

Factors & Divisibility WS

Study sci voc. ch. 1 & 2 (test Th.)

Study sp. & voc. (test Fri.)
Finish WOW
Work on 10 Wonderful Words due Fri.

OSB applications due Wed.
AM reward & Treats to Eat ($1) Wed.

Monday, October 6, 2008

HW 10/6


Sci voc test Thurs.
Finish ch. 1 voc

SS WB p. 31

9 wks review sp. & voc. tests Fri. STUDY!
Read AR mystery by 10/31
10 Wonderful AR Words due Fri.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Agenda & Power School Abbreviations

Your child should be able to explain everything written in his/her agenda! We have to resort to abbreviations due to limited space. Here's an explanation of some of our shorthand.

ABC = alphabetical order
AM = Accelerated Math
AMC = AM Corrections (whether it's a test, practice, or exercise)
AME = AM Exercise
AMP = AM Practice
AR = Accelerated Reader
EC = extra credit
LA = language arts
sci = science
sen or sent = sentences
SS = social studies
voc = vocabulary
WB = workbook
WOW = word of the week
WS = worksheet
x ea = times each (3x ea = three times each)

*You will see these same abbreviations in Power School, where you can view your child's grades online.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October's Genre

October's reading genre is mystery! Students should read a mystery in their AR range and quiz on it before the end of the month. We'll let you know about this month's project ASAP.