Friday, March 27, 2009


Happy Birthday to our own Mrs. Dyer - Sunday, March 29th! We love you!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Website to Try: Eagle Cam

At the Sutton Center in Oklahoma, a Bald Eagle nest cam provides an intimate view of a wild Oklahoma Bald Eagle nest. Children and adults from Oklahoma and around the world can observe life in an eagle nest, and scientists can make observations that will help us better understand the life history of our national symbol. This nest is on OG&E property at Sooner Lake near Stillwater, Oklahoma. The original dead nest tree used by this pair of eagles fell down. OG&E, with technical assistance from the Sutton Center and financial assistance from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, erected an artificial tower which these eagles have adopted successfully.

Check it out at

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Congratulations to our 4-H CPA Participants!

We are so very proud of each and every one of our students! They all worked hard and gave interesting, informative speeches today for the 4-H County Project Achievement presentations. Each student received a special 4-H ribbon for their participation in CPA.

Our judge had a difficult time judging the presentations! Boys competed against boys and girls completed against girls for winning ribbons. We ended up with # overall winners.
3rd runners up: Joshua (Chipmunks), Eddie (How an Engine Works), Morgan (Gymnastics) and Kayla G. (Austism)
2nd runners up: Kolby (State Troopers), Bryan (Coon Hunting) and Emma (History of The Wizard of Oz), Kacie (How to Earn Money)
1st place winners: Will B. (Nutrition for Sports), Jared (Ruby Falls), and Sara (History of UGA)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Kaila H.!

We'd like to wish Kaila H. a very special birthday today!

Monday, March 9, 2009



Be ready for tomorrow's in-class CPA presentations!

Study the 3rd 9 weeks review spelling & vocab. for Thursday's test.

Don't forget that Thursday is a half day for students and Friday is an inservice (teachers only). If you have not received a conference request and would like to meet w/us, please let us know. We do have a few time slots available. Thanks!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Upcoming Events/Info

*SPRING FORWARD Saturday night! Set your clocks ahead one hour when you go to bed Saturday night to begin Daylight Savings Time.

*CPA reports & posters due 3/10 for in-class presentations. The "real" CPA for the judges will be 3/17.

*3/12 end 3rd 9 weeks; half-day conferences (Students dismiss around 11:30; they will have lunch at school.)

*3/13 Teacher Inservice (no school for students)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Today's State Writing Test seemed to go well. Most of the students worked really hard during the test administration.

Remember to study for tomorrow's Ch. 8A math test.

Study for Friday's Ch. 10 SS test.

Work on vocab definition pictures (due Fri.).

*Muffins for Mom 7:30-8:15 Thurs.! Visit the Book Fair too.
*CPA speeches & posters due Tues. 3/10 for in-class presentations.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Math p. 489 (1-17)

Finish sci. study guide!

Finish WOW.
Finish sp. 5x each (if you didn't make a 100+ on last week's test).

*Communication folders w/March newsletter

*Get a good night's sleep! Tomorrow is the Georgia 5th Grade State Writing Test. Be sure to be here on time. We will test in the morning and finish in the afternoon.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Study the 1st half of math ch. 8 (p. 458-489 & p. 512) for Thursday's test.
Complete p. 488 (1-11 ODD)

Complete sci. ch. 6 study guide to turn in Wednesday.

Study for Friday's S.S. ch. 10 test.

Write spelling words in ABC order in agenda.
LA WB p. 66 & 67
Read AR. (We didn't get class time to read today so be sure to read at home tonight!)
Start working on vocab. pictures (due Fri.).

This month's genre is "award-winning books." Please read an AR book that has won an award and quiz on it by 3/31. (Projects may be turned in before 3/31.) A complete project sheet will be given out later this week or early next week. You will need to explain the award your book won.
*A note of caution: Even though an author may be an award-winning author, be sure that the actual book you use for your project won an award.